I really don't want to start on packing, or all the homework that was due last week, so I think I'll just write (although I should be writing in my Writer's Craft journal--in which I'm a month behind).
Anyway... Things that have happened.
- Prom is this Friday (not today, next Friday)--and, guess what? I got my dress!! Finally!! And it's gorgeous. :D I'm so happy. (Psst... Don't tell anyone, but it was donated to the school, so I got it for free. Officially, it was extremely expensive, and I got it at a small boutique downtown.)
- A friend recently got back from what was supposed to be a long stay. I'm sad that it didn't work out, but I'm glad she's back. Hopefully, next time she travels, we'll be there and then we'll all have fun together (no matter how much in debt we may be from school).
- They started selling these gigantic ice cream drumsticks at Shopper's for only four dollars! Completely awesome. ♥
- So, I'm moving on the same day as Prom. That means that, while I'm getting my hair and makeup done, my family will be packing and moving all the big furniture, and then when I sleep over at a friend's house in the after-party, I'll have to bus and take two stations to my new place, instead of going back to my old one. A little weird, no?
- Starbucks and Pizza-Pizza have Wi-Fi! I'm starting to carry my PSP around everywhere now. Now, if only Timmies did, as well...
- I'm the only Programmer for my robotics group in computer engineering class. That means that I have to do all the coding (whether it'll be controlled by remote, or just autopilot) while the guys build the robot. Oh, and the other girl in my group's doing nothing. Just watching. I started subtly hinting that she actually WORK and she just brushed it off with a "No, it's fine. I think you guys all have it under control." Cue the mental rant.
No, it's not fucking fine, bitch! Why don't you actually do some work around here? You see us working our asses off (I actually had to help build a bit--which I'm not supposed to do, as I'm the programmer) so why don't you get your lazy butt in gear, too? I mean, honestly. We also have to do a daily log. I hinted that why doesn't she do that, at least, and she came up with some bullshit that she couldn't log onto the online wiki. Well, fucking do something about that!
*Deep breaths* Okay, I just needed to get that out of my system. I seriously don't know why she's not doing anything. She seemed like a very nice, studious person. And it's only in group work that I require people (including me) to do work, because it's not only your mark, it's everyone else's too. In individual work, I honestly don't give a shit. That's why I'm so behind on a lot of assignments. I really need to catch up. - I recently signed up for this anti-plagiarizing community on LiveJournal, where everyone posts their stories, requiring that I not be a "silent reader" and actually critique at least two stories a month, or I'm kicked out. Yeah. I need to get started on that, too--if I can actually find a story that someone hasn't already reviewed, and gave all the points that I thought of.
- One thing I actually started on is this minimum 30k-word story that my friend drafted everyone for that's supposed to be finished by her birthday (this August). She thinks we can all be as good a writer as her, if we just try (wishful thinking, IMO--she's amazing). I started on the basic plot and character outline, and I think I may actually be able to complete at least 10k by August (fingers crossed--hopefully, she won't be too disappointed).
- Night school Advanced Functions is officially done! I just did my exam yesterday--and it was pretty easy, at least, compared to my day school exam that I completely failed. Now I just have to show up for the next two days (day one's exam review, where we look over our marks, and day two, we pick up our report card). That was my only exam for Semester 2. Now it's just summatives (year-end projects that replace exams).
The first day is always the worst--and when I feel the most effects. One minute I'm smiling at strangers, and another minute I'm bitching to my friends, irritated at the slightest things, and another minute, I feel so completely lethargic that I just fall asleep in class. Not to mention the fact that it fucking hurts like hell (imagine getting it during an exam--yeah, that'll definitely throw off your concentration).
At least, on the bright side, I won't have it during prom. :D