Showing posts with label terra-tron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terra-tron. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Starcraft 2!!

I just went back to the Starcraft 2 site today, and I found the April Fools Joke Blizzard had put up. The Terra-Tron, who sounds a lot like Megatron. My favourite quotes that the Terra-Tron says is "We are more than meets the eye," or "Terratron, Terrorize!" Love that one.

Anyway, Starcraft is one of my most favourite video games ever! I've been playing it a lot since I was young. My favourite character is the villain in Starcraft: Brood War, Sarah Kerrigan. She used to be a psychic human who was taken in by the confederates (the government for the humans in the game) to be trained as an assasin, but she escaped and joined the rebel group The Sons of Korhol. Anyway, in one of the missions in the original Starcraft, Arcturus Mengsk, the leader of the rebel group, betrayed her and left her for dead as the evil alien Zerg creatures surrounded the planet. But, instead of killing her, they experimented on her and made her into one of them, an evil vengeance-driven zerg. After the Overmind (The leader of the Zerg) was destroyed, she used the rest of the heroes in the game to destroy the reincarnated baby Overmind and make her the leader of the zerg, making them unlikely allies. Then she turned back on them and killed half of the heroes in the game, and left the others to survive as a warning. She is who they made her into. That just goes to show... what goes around comes around.
Some of my favourite quotes are:
Oh, come on, Arcturus. Did you really think that I would allow you to come into power again? You practically fed me to the Zerg on Tarsonis. You're directly responsible for the hell I've been through. Did you honestly think that I would let you get away with that?
Arcturus Mengsk:
But you said revenge was secondary to defeating the UED!
I lied. I liberated this planet because it was the UED's primary staging point, not because I was under any obligation to you. I used you to destroy the Psi Disrupter and now that I've got my broods back, you're no longer necessary for my plans. I think I'll leave you here, Arcturus, among the ashes of your precious Dominion. I want you to live to see me rise to power and I want you to always remember, in your most private moments, that it was you who let me loose in the first place."

You know, Admiral, I think I'll just massacre your remaining troops and watch you die in agony. How would that be?
Admiral DuGalle:
You vastly underestimate me, my dear.
I don't think so, Admiral. You see, at this point, I'm pretty much the Queen Bitch of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again."
And, also,

Once again I stand atop the broken bodies of my enemies... Victorious but not unscarred. The Earth-borne Directorate has been destroyed. And the Overmind lies dead and trampled beneath the ashes of Char. As for my unlikely allies, I think that I shall allow them a reprieve. For in time I will seek to test their resolve, and their strengths. They will all be mine in the end, for I am the Queen of Blades. None shall ever dispute my rule again."
Starcraft is one of the best video games ever! My second favourite would probably be Prince of Persia, even though the fourth one is a little too easy, since there's barely any combinations for different attacks.