Thursday, 9 June 2011

Weird Shit Part 2

God, there are some really creepy weirdos out there.

But, you know what, I wanted to record these encounters for the sake of the hilarity, so here they are.

Just a few weeks ago, I was walking to Dollarama to pick up a few things, when this guy drove out of the gas station nearby, saw me, and called out, "Excuse me. Are you from [insert my home country]." I looked at him over my shoulder, and replied that I was. He looked like he was from the same place.
Then he got really creepy and asked for my name. I just looked at him, rolled my eyes, and walked away. Apparently, men from the country I lived in for less than three years of my life think it's alright to go up to a strange girl and ask for her personal info.
Honestly, how stupid do you think I am?

Then, the same day, I was walking in the outdoor mall near my school, when this guy wearing a turban walking the opposite way saw me, came up to me, and said, "You look troubled, sister," in a solemn tone.
I probably just looked at him with a "what the fuck?" expression.
And then he said something like, "You smile at the world, but not deep inside. You think of the many problems you have when you are unable to solve them. What is your name, sister?"
Stunned, I told him.
"Do not worry, Arlia. You have many burdens, but rejoice that you are here to worry for them." And then he nodded at me and walked away.
I think he also said a bunch of other stuff, but, for the life of me, I can't remember.
When I look back at this encounter, I laugh. It was just that weird.

But, anyway, that's it for now. One more encounter with dudes in cars and this weird, religious guy. Hm. Maybe it's the blue colors and jeans. Who knows?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Fun in the Rain

Oh! I almost forgot to mention the freak thunderstorm today.

It was freaking crazy! I remember I was on the first bus headed for home when the lady beside me started talking to me randomly about this predicted thunderstorm that was going to come during the evening.
Then, I left the first bus and headed to the second bus stop when the girl beside me stooped and put her head above her hands. I personally thought she was going crazy until I saw what she was looking at: The sky. And it was fucking scary.
There was this huge, angry, grey cloud moving really fast above us, as thunder started to roll, and I could actually see the lightning headed for us. It was freaking awesome.
Luckily, the bus came just a second later, and we all hurried in, just as it started to pour. Like crazy. The windshield wipers on the front windows were moving at a speed I had never seen before as people exited the bus on various stops, covering the rain above their heads with an occasional umbrella, or their hands, and running as if their life depended on it. A huge tree-branch sat in the middle of the road.
Then came the freaky part.
Actual hail--either that, or really, incredibly fierce rain--started pounding on the windows so hard that the bus driver actually had to stop for a while, unable to see anything despite the windshield wipers working as hard as they could to clear the rain. And the lighting. Man, the lightning was something to see! I was just glad I was safe inside the bus while the wind and the rain caused a huge wreck of the trees on the way, and thunder roared in the sky.
Eventually, it calmed down enough that the bus driver was able to get us moving again, despite it still raining pretty heavily. I got off at my stop, and promptly ran home, sighting the lightning near the skies above me. There were trees on the way, but I avoided as much as I could. Then I got out the video camera and recorded the after-effects. My sister's room was flooded due to a leak in her window, but, by the time I came home, she had cleaned most of it up.
But, man, that storm was awesome. Reminded me of the time me and my friends got caught in a storm and, instead of going to each of our respective homes after a tiring shopping trip, we went to the closest place we could--our friend's home. I remember running to her condo in slippery wet platform sandals, while lightning flashed behind us.
Sigh. That was fun.
You gotta love the crazy moments. :D


Oh, God, I've never really been good at these blog entries. You see my past posts, and the thing that pops up the most is "school," one of the most boring topics ever.

Anyway, I honestly don't know why I'm writing this. I've been feeling very... self-destructive lately--and I don't know why. I think stress causes my avoidance habits to rise, ever-increasing, which just makes it worse--until I just stop caring as a safety mechanism.
I've even been avoiding my friends... and I don't know why.
Before, hanging out with them was fun, and I loved the interaction, but now sometimes it's just a chore. There are times when that old feeling of fun and just belonging is back--such as today, at lunch. But I guess my memory is more inclined to remember the other times, when I just felt completely left out, unable to understand the topic what they were talking about, which happens a lot, considering the fact that I wasn't raised with Western culture. I only started immersing myself into it during the late elementary years, despite the fact that I lived in Canada for all of my life (minus three years).
I don't know why I feel like this--I know there will always be topics with which I have no familiarity with, and that my friends probably will.
I'm pretty sure this feeling will pass. Besides, it's only during actual lunch that it happens, which is strange, considering I hang out with my friends after lunch, as well, sometimes. For example, I went to a pool party last Friday and I had a great time--but not so much during Friday lunch. Maybe it's the school atmosphere that's getting to me.
Besides, unlike what my sister said, I don't think we're too polite and frigid with each other (all the while whispering behind each others' backs). We're just... not all that open. I mean, there are things I know I would never tell them (which is becoming less and less), and there are things I know I would never tell my family (but would probably tell my friends). Everyone has personal barriers, and I think we all respect that--nothing more, nothing less. I know when my friends shift the conversation away (sometimes very subtly--I don't know how they do it--do they even notice that they do it?) from something that's very personal--but I respect it, because I know they're not ready to reveal such things--may never be ready to.
It's probably just guilt that's driving me to avoid. Word of advice: Don't take a class with all your friends unless you're willing to come to that class everyday--or else you'll suffer a serious guilt trip, as well as some regret.

And, God, I don't want to mention all the assignments I have piling up on me that are due tomorrow. And one of them is a group assignment, which means I can't just avoid and ignore (my usual tactic--it hasn't been working all that well lately).
Guess I better go back to work now.