Thursday, 9 June 2011

Weird Shit Part 2

God, there are some really creepy weirdos out there.

But, you know what, I wanted to record these encounters for the sake of the hilarity, so here they are.

Just a few weeks ago, I was walking to Dollarama to pick up a few things, when this guy drove out of the gas station nearby, saw me, and called out, "Excuse me. Are you from [insert my home country]." I looked at him over my shoulder, and replied that I was. He looked like he was from the same place.
Then he got really creepy and asked for my name. I just looked at him, rolled my eyes, and walked away. Apparently, men from the country I lived in for less than three years of my life think it's alright to go up to a strange girl and ask for her personal info.
Honestly, how stupid do you think I am?

Then, the same day, I was walking in the outdoor mall near my school, when this guy wearing a turban walking the opposite way saw me, came up to me, and said, "You look troubled, sister," in a solemn tone.
I probably just looked at him with a "what the fuck?" expression.
And then he said something like, "You smile at the world, but not deep inside. You think of the many problems you have when you are unable to solve them. What is your name, sister?"
Stunned, I told him.
"Do not worry, Arlia. You have many burdens, but rejoice that you are here to worry for them." And then he nodded at me and walked away.
I think he also said a bunch of other stuff, but, for the life of me, I can't remember.
When I look back at this encounter, I laugh. It was just that weird.

But, anyway, that's it for now. One more encounter with dudes in cars and this weird, religious guy. Hm. Maybe it's the blue colors and jeans. Who knows?

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