Happy fake birthday to me!
My parents were immigrants, so they thought that it was a great idea to fake a birth certificate to make us a few months younger than we were (apparently, in their country, it's the younger people who get the better jobs). So, today, I'm legally 18. Even though I've been 18 since February 14. God, I seriously need to get my real birth certificate delivered here.
Yeah, I'm being bombarded with facebook messages of every "friend-of-a-friend" wishing me a happy birthday.
Unfortunately, I'm not getting an 18th birthday party. Isn't that just sad? For my real birthday, in February, it was because there was no time or money for a cake and present, let alone a party. My 17th birthday present was my party. Well, parties are expensive, so I can't blame anyone. I think I'm just going on a self-pity rampage today.
To think, that since I actually got a job (a temporary one, though, that ended in October) I could pay for a party myself. But no, I got bedbugs. And now I can't invite anyone over for at least three months after pest control comes over and exterminates the fuckers. Not to mention I have to vacuum and steam my clothes, bedsheets, and mattress everyday now (well, I actually do it once a week, but I'm the lazy one in the family).
Sigh. That's my rant for today.
Anyway, how about you, nonexistent reader? Read any good books lately? Please, please tell me good books to read. I'm bored out of my fucking mind here. I just dropped out of high school (not a big deal since I already graduated and was just repeating a year for marks) and now I'm stuck. At. Home. All. Day. With my family. I feel like tearing my hair out and running for the hills. Instead of getting a birthday present, I'm more likely to be kicked out if I don't have a full-time job two weeks from now, paying for my cell phone plan, and enrolled in an independent course to upgrade my pathetic marks. The latter isn't a problem. The first two are, since no one's fucking hiring! It's all part-time and seasonal temporary bullshit. I think I'm going to have to go for McDonald's. At least they'll give me hours. And I won't have to stay at home with my family. You have no idea how much of a plus that is. Just when I think living with them isn't so bad, I realize that I haven't actually been living with them, since their work schedules were so opposite my school schedule, we barely saw each other (except, of course, for my sister--but we ignored each other whenever we could). But now, I just want to fucking get out. God, I hope that when I get hired, my work schedule will be opposite theirs, 'cause I really don't want to see their faces when I come home from work.
And that's family for you.
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